Clinical Papers
Clinical trials documenting the utility of Soft-ECC® and SoftBiopsy® have been presented and published:
- Burg, et al. Trans-Epithelial Endocervical and Exocervical Biopsy with Minimally Invasive Fabric Based Devices. J. Lower Gen Tract Dis., Vol. Sixteen, Number Two, April 2012 Supplement pg. S22.
- Winter, et al. Fabric-Based Exocervical and Endocervical Biopsy in Comparison with Punch Biopsy and Sharp Curettage. J. Lower Gen Tract Dis., Vol. Sixteen, Number Two, April 2012 pg. 80-87. VIEW
- Diedrich et al. Improvement in Endocervical Yield with Fabric Curettage J. Lower Gen Tract Dis, April 2014 - Volume 18 - Supplement 1 5, p-S19.
- Clark et al. High Correlation of Fabric-based Cervical Biopsy to Subsequent LEEP. J. Lower Gen Tract Dis, April 2014 - Volume 18 - Supplement 1 5, p-S22.
- Clark et al. Observation of a Robust Immune Inflammatory Response Following Frictional Fabric Biopsy During Colposcopy. J Lower Gen Tract Dis, April 2014 - Volume 18 - Supplement 1 5, p-S21
About the Spirabrush®:
- A stiff bristled, spiral-shaped ectocervical brush: a device for transepithelial tissue biopsy. VIEW